Monday, March 31, 2014

Día de Cesar Chavez

Cesar Chavez Day

Today, it is Cesar Chavez Day! I am actually working on a project of designing an integrated marketing campaign, which includes different public relations and advertising campaigns to raise awareness and promote the Cesar Chavez movie. This is a group project that I enjoy doing it with my friends! 

Cesar Chavez Day is actually a holiday celebrated only in Texas, California, and Arizona  Although it is not a day celebrated federally, it is celebrated internationally. Mexico celebrates it! March 31st is a day to be observed with “appropriate service, community, and educational programs to honor Cesar Chavez’s enduring legacy.” Obviously, the best way to celebrate this unique and important day is by watching the movie, Cesar Chavez: An American Hero! 

The cast for this movie includes Michael Peña as Cesar Chavez, America Ferrera as Helen Chavez and Rosario Dawson as Dolores Huerta. The release date for the movie is on March 28, 2014, just before the official Cesar Chavez Day! 

To Celebrate this day, we should first make some preparations. You don't necessary need to be from Mexican heritage or live in Texas, California or Arizona, to plan something fun and informational for that day. Anyone should know more about Cesar Chavez! He is an American farm worker, labor leader, civil right activist and co-funder of National Farm Workers Association. First, you should make sure that you could get the Cesar Chavez movie tickets. You will not want to in line to watch the movie. If you want to buy the tickets beforehand, you should click here. 

You should plan out this night so that your friends, relatives or children who don't know about Cesar Chavez get to know more about him. This kind of celebration is more of a hangout type, it is not the type where you need to send out invitations or organize what food to prepare. You should start by contacting some friends that you want to watch the movie with or just go with your family. If you have children, then you should tell them that you guys are going to watch the Cesar Chavez movie together beforehand so that they can go and tell their classmates that they are watching the movie. Make sure to educate them a bit about who Cesar Chavez is and what he did. 

Before watching the movie, it is always a good idea to have dinner together first. You don't necessary need to plan too much for this night, because it is a casual hangout. You go to your favorite restaurants, eat and then watch the movies! This is the best way to celebrate Cesar Chavez Day! 

Remember, you don't need to plan too much for this day! You can always watch the movie later, not necessary on that date! You don't necessary need to have dinner together before watching the movie, but it is highly recommended. You can always have the dinner after the movie too! Anything works! 

I would like to conclude this post with a very special quote from Cesar Chavez, 

Our language is the reflection of ourselves. A language is an exact 
reflection of the character and growth of its speakers.

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If you really want to make a friend, go to someone's house and eat with him... the people who give you their food give you their heart.
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Perhaps we can bring the day when children will learn from their earliest days

 that being fully man and fully woman means to give one’s life to the 
liberation of the brother who suffers.

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