Sunday, November 2, 2014

Cut It

So, on a random Thursday night/ Friday morning around 2am, I have decided to cut my hair! 

I always wanted to cut my hair, but I was just too afraid that I will not look good with short hair. I just needed that little push. On Thursday, after my exams, stressful week, interviews and everything else, I have decided to cut my own hair! 

The problem is.... It's so hard to cut your hair yourself! Cutting the bangs was easy but not the hair on the back! So my roommate had to help me at the end! 

Lesson: sometimes being spontaneous is fun! I don't regret cutting my hair at all! And I LOVE MY SHORT HAIR! 

Halloween 2014

It's Halloween, one of the best celebrated days! For this year, I wore 2 costumes for Friday and Saturday.

Two of my sisters and me have decided to match on Friday! Last year we were Minions from Despicable Me and this year, Minnie Mouse! This is a very easy costume that everyone can make! If you are trying to match with your friends, this is a super cute, easy, chick and timeless costume! Let's be honest, RED looks good on everyone! And everyone knows Minnie Mouse! 

For the second night, Saturday, I have decided to be Robin! Why Robin? 
So, last year, two of my best friends started dating each other. We used to always hangout together, the 3 of us! But now, I'm the "Thirdwheel" So, my friends were Batman and Batgirl, and I'm Robin, their sidekick! If you have friends like mines or you are me in the relationship, you should definetely try this! 

P.S. I recently got a haircut! Thanks to my amazing roommate, Candice