Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving

Actually, we (Panamanians) don't have Thanksgiving! But I would to take this day to say thanks to everything and everyone! I want to thank God for giving me the gift of life, amazing parents, and friends! Thank you God for loving my parents and giving them strength and health! Thank you mom and dad for giving me the best, for spoiling me, for the clothes I wear, the love that exceeds love, and support! 

We should always be grateful for everything, even the simplest things. This week, one of my highschool friend's mom passed away. According to my friend, she was doing fine the night before. They were talking by the living room until the late night. And the next day, she simply didn't wake up. Life is very delicate and precious, we should thank God for giving up the opportunity to live. 

Tonight, we had our Thanksgiving/Dad's Birthday/Anita's Farewell Dinner! We called in the entire family to celebrate and have fun together! We had a lot of yummy food, but we didn't have a turkey. Maybe for a lot of you it's not thanksgiving dinner if there's no turkey! But for me, this is the dinner that allowed me understand that even the simplest thing like waking up in the morning deserves a thank you God! 

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thanksgiving Break

Last Thanksgiving, I went home without telling my dad and surprised him on his birthday! This year, he knows that I'm coming back! What should I do to surprise him?