Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Dump Food

Recently, I started working from 9AM-5PM. The office is an hour away from home. By the time I get home, I am out of energy and starving. After a long day, I want a to eat a huge hot meal! I don't want any microwave food or sandwiches. I can't afford the time to cook a whole meal. Another option is to eat out, but I am trying to save some money.

So here's where DUMP FOOD comes in! I have found several dump food recipes with good comments online.

Another option is to prepare the meal ahead of time and freeze it. Every morning, pick the pack of meal that you want to have for dinner and place it in the fridge. The slow change in temperature should help unfreezing a bit. By the time you get home, the bag of food is still going to be frozen, but will take less time to unfreeze.


Monday, August 10, 2015

Your Wedding Experience by David Tutera

Yesterday, I was lucky enough to meet David Tutera! I'm a huge fan of his work and I aspire to bring happiness to couples like he does. 

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

I am so Blessed

I am officially a done with College! I graduated from The University of Texas at Austin on May 22nd, 2015 at 3:30 PM. I always knew that I am super fortunate to have the best parents and friends. To be honest, I feel that saying "Thank You" was not enough to express how glad I felt. I think "glad," "fortunate," and "happy"are not even the right words to describe what I was feeling. I was overwhelmed with love! A lot of my friends took off work to come, some took a 3-hour long bus to come, some even drove for six hours to come! Seeing everyone inspired me to keep pushing. They make me feel important and special to this world. With over 7 billion population, this world still have a place for me. I believe that even a block wants to be something. Everyone wants to be someone. I want to be an Event Planner, someone that contributes to make people happy. 

On the other hand, I have officially joined the Nini Club. Nini is a Spanish slang for "Ni Estudia, Ni Trabaja," which means neither studies nor works. Nini perfectly describes those who finished college and yet don't have a job. I have started a separate journal called "The Nini Road" to record all the feelings that I have been having.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

American Trade Hotel in Panama

Sometimes I wonder if I have really explored where I am from. Obviously, I am not talking about China. I am talking about Panama, my home and shelter. I was born in Colon and I honestly don't know much anything outside of Colon.

I would say that I go to Panama City only on Sundays. Let's assume that I visit Panama City every Sunday for 5 hours and I do this for ten years, then how long have I really stayed in Panama? Trust me, this is not a class mathematical question. The answer is 2600 hours, which means around 109 days. This means that for the past 10 years, I have only been to Panama City for around three months.

Do I really know Panama? On Saturday, I am going to go back to Panama. I would like to explore a little bit more and get to know more about my country. While browsing on the internet, I cam across American Trade Hotel. I was looking at the pictures and thought "I would really love to visit there one day and just relax." While I was looking at the pictures, I didn't know that it was "Panama." I thought it was somewhere in Brazil. I don't even know why I was thinking of Brazil.

The hotel is very new, opened in the Fall of 2013. Well, I was in Austin during that time. I guess it is forgivable that I didn't know about the opening. The hotel is located in the center of Casco Viejo, Old City. For more information, please visit

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Need a Plumber?

The prank war between Matt Lauer and Ellen DeGeneres continues. This week, Matt has decided to put on a billboard with a real number about Ellen providing plumbing services. Please not the "butt crack" 

I have decided to call the number to see make sure that the number really exist. And it does! This war started with Ellen creating and showing a video of Matt Lauer wearing some really unique outfit during The Today Show. 

A lot of audience believed that the clip was real! They really thought that Matt wore that on the show! Actually, it was Ellen's team work. They created the video! Once again, technology has shown that everything can be possible. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

I'm officially CPR certified

Why did I decide to learn how to properly do CPR or use AED? Because I value life!  Sometimes, a second can make a difference. I highly encourage everyone to take this course! 

Sunday, April 12, 2015


Periscope is an app that allows people to stream live videos of their surrounding! I head about this app from The Ellen Show and have decided to download it so see how it works. I thought this was just another snapchat. 

The app is linked with your Twitter, so you can create an account using your Twitter and follow the people you already follow. I follow TVN Noticias, news from Panama. This app is very useful if there's something happening. I could watch live video from Panama about The Summit of Americas! It kept me updated with everything that's going on! 

As I'm not following too many people yet,  or not many people that I'm interested on are on it yet, there are times that there's no one streaming. It's a new technology and concept, let's see if it will survive or fail! 

Follow me and I will start streaming about my day to day life, show you my room, and even answer questions!